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Adult Therapy

Yes, we offer adult quality evidenced based services. C.B.T. provides a proven track record of treatments that works for those with  O.C.D. Generalized Anxiety , Panic Disorder, Depression, P.T.S.D. and Phobias.


 In a 24/7 technologically target driven world we offer work life balance tools, assertiveness training, and strategies  for those with work related distress.  C.B.T.  individualized services  are here for adults of all ages. 


Progress is tracked & shared using "before" and  "after" measures. 

Take your life back

At the Dr. Caffrey-Craig Clinic, we give you the tools you need to take your life back. We are highly skilled, professional  and empathetic We can  help you out of that dark place. We will see you through it!


Call the Dr Caffrey-Craig Clinic  on 905- 276-7103 or 905-467-5377  to book an appointment.
Prefer to email? Just fill out your message below and press send!

 4311 Village Centre Court

Suite 200, Mississauga, L4Z 1S2

Ontario,  Canada


905-276-7103 or 905-467-5377

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